California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues



The voice of Credit Unions in California and Nevada Government

Our state advocacy team works daily with elected officials, staff, the executive offices, gubernatorial appointees, and the decision-makers of California and Nevada, bringing the voice of credit unions to Sacramento and Carson City. For more information, contact Senior Vice President, State Government Affairs Robert Wilson at

The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues are the only state leagues with a full-time staff dedicated to working with Congress, Government Agencies, and Federal Regulators. For more information, contact Senior Vice President, Federal Government Affairs Stephanie Cuevas at

The Regulatory Advocacy area keeps you informed of the latest proposed rules and regulations and their potential impact on credit unions. For more information, contact Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Lisa Quaranta at

We support the credit union cause by directly connecting your supporters to state and federal legislators. We are dedicated to educating elected officials and their communities about the credit union difference, as it is extremely valuable to our movement’s political voice. For more information, contact Policy Advocate, State Government Affairs, Madison Lee at

Fundraising for League PAC is vital for credit unions and their members. The California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues have their own registered PACs. For more information, contact Political Advocacy Manager, Angelica Pappalardo at

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