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Gov’s AI Order; CPPA on Cybersecurity Audit & Risk Assessment

California credit union leaders should stay alert to two recent regulatory activities happening in Sacramento.

Governor’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed an executive order to study the development, use, and risks of generative artificial intelligence (AI).

The order is rather extensive and largely calls for various state agencies and departments to conduct specific assessments, as well as provide reports on the risk AI poses to California’s energy infrastructure. It also issues guidelines for public sector procurement of generative AI based on White House and National Institute for Standards and Technology-issued guidelines.

Additionally, the order provides AI training for state government workers and develops a framework to analyze generative AI’s impact on vulnerable communities.

CPPA on Cybersecurity Audit and Risk Assessment
The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) recently published two new sets of draft regulations addressing cybersecurity audit and risk assessment.

The CPPA has not officially started the formal rulemaking process but they will serve as the foundation for the process moving forward.  Discussion of the draft regulations will be a central topic of the CPPA’s meeting on September 8.

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